NEWS 2024

Now that the season is almost over, we are already busy preparing for the 2024 season.
A year ago we moved to our new location in Jirnsum and so far we are very satisfied with it.

. The boats will all be checked again, renovated if necessary, etc., so that they all look perfect again at the start of the season in 2024.

There are a number of changes to the fleet for 2024, the CARINA will be leaving us.
Furthermore, there are some renovations / changes on the program and at the last minute we can inform you that 3 more boats will be added to the fleet before 2024. These boats will be called LOTUS Elite 2 + 2 persons and the DURAPEL Elite 4 persons and the BANCKERT 4 people, soon all information about these boats will be on the site.

The further changes are: Furthermore, various adjustments will be made to the interior of a number of boats and the boats will be completely technically checked again so that they can start again in 2024.

We will keep you informed via the site.

All further information about these boats and the new Port/Departure Place can be found on our site or in the brochure.

Did you know that:

  • Our online booking system for 2024 is now ready.-
  • We will be back on BOOT DUSSELDORF from 20 to 28 January 2024 in Hal 14.
  • On Saturday 06 April 2023 we have OPEN DAY in Jirnsum (from 10.00 / 17.00 hour)
  • You do not need a shipping license to sail with our boats.
  • You can always contact us for questions.
  • Our new Brochure will be ready at the beginning of December but the site is up to date.
    We do not send a mailing with our Brochure but when you would have a Brochure with the post you can send us a message and we will send you the Brochure by post.